Become A Member

The Press Club of Southwest Florida brings together past, present, and future news breakers and newsmakers throughout the region. Benefits of joining include:

  • Expand your professional network
  • Meet colleagues in the area who share your passion for quality journalism and the importance of a free press
  • Keep up with emerging trends and industry news, making connections that can generate leads and contacts for interviews
  • Network with news media giants who can offer career guidance and help open doors to job opportunities
  • Share your own expertise with budding young journalists receiving press club student scholarships
  • Boost your resume
  • Develop lasting friendships that go beyond the daily headlines

We are not your typical press club. Because we live in paradise, we attract high-profile members of the press to live here, especially for retirement. This means you get to rub shoulders with many of the media elite and be mentored by those who have been shaping our culture at the top level. Our current members include:

  • Founder of Good Morning America
  • Network reporters and anchors
  • News directors from top 10 markets
  • Reporters, columnists, editors and publishers from newspapers and magazines nationwide
  • Top bloggers
  • Bestselling authors
  • Internationally renowned speakers

By joining the Press Club of Southwest Florida, you will be networking with fellow members who bring a wealth of knowledge, connections, and advice to help take you to the next level.

Come expand your career and social circle for just $75 a year (or if you are 30 or under, your annual dues are only $30). Click here to join.