Book Review: The News About the News

Does the American public truly want quality journalism? It is a question that authors Leonard Downie and Robert Kaiser have investigated in-depth and have come up with some sobering observations in their book, The News About the News.

The authors point to the public’s reliance on the internet for their information, choosing sites that are less objective and more opinionated. They also note that the mainstream media; i.e., newspapers and television, has become more profit centered and more focused on entertainment than on hard cogent news reporting.

Although published in 2002, The News About the News provides the reader with both a history lesson and a warning. Downie and Kaiser got their start in the 60s, before computers, the internet and AI. They allude to the distinction between news and newsworthy, leading today’s reader to more stories about celebrities and sports figures and fewer pieces about world leaders and critical issues.

They observe that the internet and social media have disrupted the more traditional business model of news organizations, which has led to a decline in revenue and, as expected, shrinking news staffs.

The authors lament the decline of well-regarded small-town newspapers that have either been forced out of business or bought out by major media conglomerates. Along with their demise there has been the accompanying extinction of many notable active newsrooms.

What should be the role of news organizations in a democratic society?

The authors suggest that independent journalism and accountability are paramount to provide the citizenry with the information they need to make important decisions. The First Amendment to our Constitution should remind us of the value and importance our Founding Fathers placed on a free press. We should demand no less from our media today.

While many press club members are well aware of the trends mentioned in the book, The News about the News presents itself as a reminder of where we have been and where we are (unfortunately) headed.

The News About the News: American Journalism in Peril
By Leonard Downie Jr. and Robert G. Kaiser
c. 2002 Alfred A. Knopf New York