Your Board in Action

President Carole J. Greene

President Carole J. Greene

At our May Board of Governors meeting, we accepted the resignation of Denise Rochford as our newsletter editor and member of the board. We wished her well as she now feels the freedom she needs to enjoy her travels without having to worry about deadlines. She will, of course, continue as a club member, so we’ll see her—during season. For the summer, she’s off and away.

This means we need a new SCOOP editor. Anyone want to step up before I start twisting arms? Until we have a new editor, send all your SCOOP items to me. I needed more to do.

We welcomed Gina Edwards to the board and look forward to the perspective this hard-working professional journalist will bring to us and to the club.

Program VP Randy Jones talked about plans he has to make our summer mixers more fun and provide better opportunities for networking. Each mixer will have a theme, and we’ll try out some new restaurants. Watch your e-mail for information about where/when during the summer months.

Some folks who join Press Club of Southwest Florida immediately jump into action and make their presence felt. Helene Gaillet de Neergaard is one of those. A photojournalist with some major credits in her resume, Helene has become our “official photographer.” She even bought a new camera because Randy said he needed “hi-res” photos to send to publications.

But that’s not all. Helene has spent literally hours talking with her favorite restaurateurs around town, asking them to give NPC members at least a 10% discount. She signed up SIX new ones! Some say “food only” while others say “everything for everyone in the party.” We all owe Helene a HUGE “thank you!” as we enjoy a summer of great food at reduced cost.

NPC membership does have perks! Look elsewhere in SCOOP for a list of these six to add to the others you already enjoy.

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