Climate Expert Says Journalists Provide Vital Perspective

Last month’s press club luncheon featured Ana Puszkin-Chevlin, Ph.D., from Growing Climate Solutions, a partner of the Conversancy of Southwest Florida. In addition to addressing five major impacts of climate change and solutions for good governance, she stressed how journalists are key to enlightening the public about environmental sustainability and resiliency.

Ana Puszkin-Chevlin
Photo by Priority Marketing

“Climate is a societal issue, not just environmental,” she said. “We must think long-term but act short-term.”  

Journalists can provide vital perspective, she said, noting an increase in climate coverage in recent years. Street-by-street infrastructure proposals can cause divisions in a community. But stories raising big questions like “What is Naples without its pier?” can prompt the kind of soul-searching that brings people together and thus brings forth better solutions for all.

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