Author: carole

Modern Journalism ~ April 25th Event

April 25, our NPC luncheon at the Hilton, will feature a fascinating look at “Modern Journalism” presented by journalism students from Florida Gulf Coast University, which NPC supports with an Endowed Annual Journalism Scholarship. Here’s a taste of what we’ll hear:…

Your Board in Action

At the first NPC Board of Governors’ meeting of 2013, we began a discussion about enhancing the club’s presence in the community.  This topic is sure to span several board meetings. It may even turn into a multi-year project. For…

Heds and Tales

When I was in journalism school, a “must-read” was the Columbia Journalism Review (established 1961). Sure, it had articles of interest about the profession. Much better, though, was the last page, where they collect headline gaffes from real newspapers (or,…