Journalists see 320 Percent Increase in Facebook Subscribers

A Facebook analysis studying journalists' use of the subscribe feature finds that the group has experienced a 320 percent average increase in subscribers since November. However, this feature only became available in September, and this analysis is only based on 25 media profiles.

Inside Facebook: Facebook's heavy push of the subscribe feature has apparently paid off, as thousands of journalists enabled subscribers after its launch in September, according to a note on the Journalists + Facebook page.

10,000 Words: Links accounted for 62 percent of posts, a call to action (promotional language like "check this out") accounted for 30 percent, questions and input accounted for 25 percent, videos accounted for 13 percent, and photos accounted for 12 percent.
PaidContent: Before you think that subscribe has been taken over by those working in the world of blogs and digital-first news sites, think again. Facebook said that among those early adopters, the highest concentration of journalists using subscribe were from two of the most old-school publications: The Washington Post has more than 90 journalists using it, and The New York Times has over 50.
Nieman Journalism Lab: Write about current affairs. Add in a little commentary (or a question). And, for the love of all that is holy, include a link. Those are three of the takeaways from some new data Facebook just released on the use of its subscribe feature — the social network's way to let journalists and readers connect without broaching the knotty issue of "friending."
TechCrunch: If Facebook can get your favorite journalists publishing through subscribe, you'll have less need for Twitter.

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